Gundam Wing in English


Hey look! It's a rant about Gundam Wing! Or, more importantly, a rant about the English version of Gundam Wing. I've been watching the English version on the tape that Reid gave me because I don't have cable, and I want to watch the anime. I also really REALLY wanted to comment on some stuff. So I figure that this will kind of be like a reaction to the show, set up like those reports we had to do back in school. The following is my reactions to the English version of episodes 1-7, and the title is VERY appropriate... Gundam Wing CAN NOT hide in English, no matter how hard they try. ^_^ I'll try to explain, but first... Unfortunately, or fortunately the first time I was really exposed to Gundam Wing was the summer of 1999. And my first exposure just happened to be looking at a full length slash Doujinshi featuring yours truly, Duo and Heero. At the time I liked them because they reminded me, VERY slightly of two characters I made up whilst still in High School. I surfed the net for more Duo and Heero stuff, and soon caught the extensive "Internet Gundam Wing Yaoi Bug" that seems to be very abundant. ^_~ I hadn't watched the anime at all at the time. (NOTE: I left out some stuff here, which I wrote about in my Yaoi Rant.)

Anyway, about a half a year later I acquired two tapes of Gundam Wing subtitled, episodes 1-4 on one tape and 13-16 on another. At the time I had been biding my time reading episode synopsis' and generally finding out all I could about this anime. I was actually quite surprised at how DULL the anime seemed the tapes I had acquired. The only good bits, to me, where the bits with Duo and Heero interacting (or not really interacting ^_~). Oh, and I was impressed with the bit where Heero informs Relena that "omae o korosu" in the first episode. Which brings us to the English part of this essay.

Gundam Wing In English:

Frankly, I am presently not a fan of English anime. Especially since, when anime comes over here, they need, it seems, to be adjusted to a younger audience. And of course, there seems to be censorship all over the place... but that is a debate for another day.

But, alias, if you are like me, and can't see your anime except in English, you just have to suck it up and watch, like I did today with the episodes 5-7. (I've now seen 1-4 in English as well, and trust me, it is disappointing.) But if you can get over the fact that they turn all "Dammit's" into "Blast it's" and actively avoid saying "Kill", you can do it. And if you have watched enough of a series and read enough about how a series goes in another language, you can be like me, and sit there and smirk at the screen as they attempt to "Hide in English."

Relationships and all that that Suggests:

There are a couple of points I'd like to make about the two main (m+f) characters before I go onto the Quatre notes, 'kay? ^_~

The first thing is is I like Relena. I like her in both subtitled and English versions. Now, you may think that's strange because a) apparently (according to my friend at least) every single Relena activist online is a "royal" pain in the derrière, and b) didn't I just say that I was a Yaoi enthusiast?

I "WAS" a Yaoi enthusiast. And depending on how the series goes, I may end up being one once again. I don't know yet. All I know is from what I've watched and read in both English and Japanese, I have became slowly turned off of the concept of Heero and Duo together (no matter how "yummy" the concept appeared to me. ^_^) And Relena is NOT a weak character by any means, which startled me, because so many Yaoi Enthusiasts had painted her as a whiny helpless idiot. She is not. In both versions, yes, she exhibits stalker-like characteristics, but the kid can also stand there while the whole entire world crumbles around her and not show a speck of fear. The girl has guts. She strong willed and sensitive and exhibits many honorable characteristics. She can yell at a room full of OZ supporters. She can walk right up to a cocked gun for goodness sakes!

And it's obvious that her and Heero are meant to be together, whether as friends or what have you. Which is why my interest in Yaoi with Heero and Duo has waned. However for the first time today while watching episode 6, I suddenly saw maybe a small glimpse of where the Yaoi Enthusiast are coming from. Duo, who has to be the BEST character on there for funny moments, was thinking about Heero while he was gazing up at the night sky. Thinking about how he was going to get back at him that is... ^_^

Quatre and Trowa however...

Rant on Quatre:

Quatre, even if I wasn't a Yaoi fan, would be definitely "fey" in my humble opinion. I mean, lets just put it this way, if he went to an average regular public school in America chances are he'd be picked on or beat up everyday. I noticed how they tried to "hide" him in the English version of Gundam Wing, (something which slightly upsets me,) and I noticed how they so failed. Of course there is nothing they could do beyond what they did really. Look at Quatre in the Japanese version. He has a very sweet alto voice, and he says "sorry" ever time he kills someone, he drinks tea and wears pink shirts. He is very polite. Now look at him in the English version. Suddenly the apologies are gone, and the voice has now turned deeper, but unfortunately, (or fortunately?) they can't do anything about the tea drinking or pink shirts.

The guy also has a thing for Trowa. You'd have to be as blind as a bat not to see it. Even guys should be able to pick up on this one from a mile away. He says, repeatedly, how much he wants to see Trowa again, and then smiles serenely. He FINDS Trowa and goes happily running up to the guy. It is *very* obvious.

Trowa however is another thing. That's why the couple probably wouldn't work out, because, (and I read an essay on this once,) Trowa is dead inside. Literally dead. He is blank and emotionless, and in the first 7 episodes doesn't show anything beyond that, (besides displaying his ability to play the flute in the 4th episode.) Which makes me wonder what on earth Quatre sees in the guy anyway. But, stay tuned, I have more to watch! ^_^ And more to write too!

Things I'm Wondering About:

Two Questions: 1. If Heero Yuy isn't really his name, then what the heck is it? and 2.) What does Quatre cry out (I have the English version remember) as Duo and Trowa are battling in episode 7 right before WuFei shows up?

Great "English" Quotes:

"Your resistance is futile." ~Zechs (Marie Laughs at the fact that Zechs can't say "futile" any better than Data.)

"Anything to see him again." ~Quatre (wearing a happy little eye-crinkling smile). (Marie's eyebrows skyrocket.)

"I will destroy, (finish, etc.) you." ~Heero. Or "Why haven't you destroyed (finished, etc.) me yet?" ~Relena. (Marie Laughs at America's really pathetic game of avoiding saying "Kill")

Oh, one last thing, if Duo says "blast it" one more time, I think I'm going to spaz out at him. Even if he isn't real and can't hear me and I'm just yelling at a TV. ^_^

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